Range and method of use

SULFIKA® SNP+Zn can be applied at every development stage of the plant in all types of annual and perennial crop plants in order to remove latent and evident deficits in sulphur and phosphorus. Fertilization has proved to be best carried out during the early development period and in the period of greatest growth, when it also utilises the fungicidal side effect of the sulphur.

Sulfur S - 20 %
Nitrogen N - 4 %
Phosphorus P2O5 - 13 %
Zinc Zn - 2.5 %
pH 5.5 - 7.5



  • Barley
  • Corn
  • Mustard
  • Oat
  • Poppy
  • Potato
  • Rye
  • Sugar beet
  • Sunflower
  • Wheat
  • Winter rape


  • Forest stands
  • Grapevine
  • Hops

The fertilizer can be applied with nitrogenous liquid fertilizer, for example DAM 390, with a solution of urea. It is not recommended to mix it with fertilizers containing magnesium or calcium.


Sulphur has an influence on the metabolism of nitrogen and is an indispensable element for the biosynthesis of proteins. Sulphur is part of amino acids, enzymes, vitamins, glycosides and other compounds which influence the defence mechanisms of plants. The effects of a deficiency of sulphur are evident from the early phases of plant growth right up until maturity and it can significantly reduce the production of crops and their quality. Phosphorus is an indispensable element both for the transfer of energy and for other necessary biochemical reactions affecting, above all, the creation of seeds. Plants are most sensitive to a lack of phosphorus in the early growth phase. Zinc has a positive influence on the creation of the root system, raises the intensity of photosynthesis and has a share in increasing the resistance of the plant to negative effects (drought, hailstones, damage by pesticides, et al.).


The recommended doses of the fertilizer, laid out below, can be diluted in water by 100l/ha to 1000 l/ha according to the type of sprayer used and the condition of the plant. If you have an analysis of soil and plants available, you can adjust the dosages on the basis of the results of the analysis. Mix the fertilizer thoroughly before placing it in the sprayer. During application, it is essential that the sprayer mixer is working.

Recommended dosage for annual and perennial crop plants: 4-5 kg/ha, after 14-21 days the spraying can be repeated. A single overdose of fertilizer need not be phytotoxic.


Store the fertilizer in its original packaging in dry, lockable stores at temperatures from +5 to +30 °C.

Decision on registration of fertilizer

no. 4424

® – the registered trademark of the company KLOFÁČ, spol. s r.o.